Declaración of Human Rights .
The wolf and the dog.

Near forest , there was once a wolf so skinny he had no more than skin and bones. Its thinness the must , among other things, that you could bring to the cattle, as they were protected by guard dogs . Therefore, only occasionally could sink our teeth into some meat .
One day the wolf was stalking the flock of sheep , to see if luck helped him and reached out hunting , he met a mastiff dog that had strayed. The animal was plump and glossy. You could see he was well fed . The wolf had attacked willingly to serve a nice lunch. But , very sensibly , thought they had to undertake a battle and the enemy had traces of defending well .
So the wolf decided to approach him with the utmost courtesy and strike up a conversation with him. 
- I congratulate you , my friend , you have a beautiful body - said the wolf .
- Wolf Friend , you do not look so good because you will not like me - said the mastiff.
The wolf stared in amazement .
What do you not want ? I would like to be as well fed as you.
- Then let the forest - said the dog. The animals take shelter in it are a miserable , dead always hungry. Not a mouthful for sure! All the luck! Always on the lookout for anything!
- It's true - sadly said the wolf. Each day dawning , I wonder if I'll have a nice lunch. And when night comes, almost always go to sleep with an empty stomach .
- So do not think twice - said the dog. Follow me and you will have a better life.
- So what do I do? - Asked the wolf , that suspicious, knew that nothing was free in this life.
- Almost nothing , 'said the dog. You have to protect the house , chasing thieves , playing with the house and please the master. With as little as this, you have to change , chicken bones , pigeons and also some petting.
The wolf , on hearing this , he figured it would have a good future and decided to go with the mastiff and help you find your home .
They were walking , when the wolf noticed that the dog had a peel on the neck.
- What is that? - Asked
- No - replied the dog.
-How it all! If I see the bare neck . Why did you well !
- Will the brand necklace that I'm tied .
-Moored ! - Cried wolf What? Are you tied up ? Do not you come and go where you want and when you want?
- Not always ... But that, who cares?
-I care ! My freedom is more important than your food. The price I pay for the food is too high. And freedom is the greatest treasure I have in the world - said the wolf and ran. It is still running .

Autor de la Historia Jean Lafontaine

Esta lectura hace referencia a un derecho fundamental que tenemos los seres humanos como es el derecho a la libertad. Un derecho que en nuestros tiempos y en especial en nuestro bello país se ve diariamente vulnerado. La práctica del secuestro extorsivo, y la trata de personas con fines de servidumbre y explotacion sexual aumentan diariamente. Sin olvidar que los niños están abandonando las aulas de clase para ejercer trabajos forzosos y mendicidad victimas de unos pocos que les roban su libertad con la promesa de un mejor futuro

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